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New KENSINGTON location in Rotenburg (Wümme)

  • Created by KENSINGTON Deutschland

The district of Rotenburg an der Wümme is characterised by its strategically favourable location between the metropolitan regions of Hamburg and Bremen. We are delighted to be able to award the new licence for the Rotenburg location to Ms Paulina Mikolajczuk.

Paulina Mikolajczuk has already been working successfully as a real estate agent at KENSINGTON Bremen for several years. By taking over the licence and opening her own location, she would like to further expand her career as an independent entrepreneur in the real estate sector.

Mrs Mikolajczuk, the opening of your first own location is a significant milestone for you. What led you to the real estate sector? 

My previous job in the logistics sector didn't quite fulfil me. Instead, my interest in sales and my passion for individual room concepts and property in general grew.

This interest gave rise to the desire to start my own business as a part-time interior design consultant. To this end, I completed further training to become an IHK business administrator, which perfectly complemented my creative streak with rational and well-founded expertise.

I will use the experience I have gained since then - including six years at KENSINGTON Bremen - to further expand and deepen my knowledge in the property sector in Rotenburg.

In my current job, I have found my dream job, which offers me valuable contacts with people, insights into a wide variety of properties and a high degree of flexibility and freedom that I wouldn't want to do without.

And how did you come to work for KENSINGTON?

My path to KENSINGTON was actually rather accidental. When I got to know the people behind the KENSINGTON office in Bremen better, I felt encouraged to take the plunge and have an initial, no-obligation chat.

So I started out as a career changer who, in her first year at KENSINGTON, achieved third place nationwide for the most transactions as an estate agent and will now be working as Managing Director.

What are your plans and ideas for the Rotenburg region in the future?

I'm really looking forward to my ‘fillet region’ between Bremen and Hamburg. I'll probably be no different there than all the other KENSINGTON partners. I want to explode with the brand in Rotenburg and literally ‘tear the roof off’!

I realise that this is a challenge, because I will have to assert myself in a new and exciting market. As a friend so aptly put it: ‘Even in Bremen, nobody was waiting for me at the beginning’. Looking back on the last few years, however, I am proud of what I have achieved, as I have now reached another point in my career and am already taking the next step.